Nine(09) Steps To Prevent Your Account From Being Hacked

The hacking of social media pages is becoming alarming these days. Imagine you take years to build followers and one day boom, dem hackam. 

You will lose all you contacts and following and in addition to that, they will use it to extort money from your friends and followers. 

God forbid

While the hacking of social media accounts have become too rampant, there is no denying the fact that hackers can’t get into your account without you giving them some access.

Remember “Someone can not ride you without you bending your back.”

Just as no one can make you feel inferior without your consent, you let them in some how.

How do you prevent this?

1. Avoid using one password on all your accounts. Once you do and they can access to one account, you are doomed

2.  Avoid passwords that relate your name, your date of birth, or words that can easily be read through. That can be guessed.

3. Avoid clicking random links you are not sure of, especially one that takes you out of your social media platform. If you must click, ensure the link starts with “https”.


You are the doorway into your accounts be it your website or social media pages and profiles. That means for someone to get in, You must have either leave the door open, or opened a window for them. Remember when they come in they always kick you out. So how do we prevent them from getting in?

4. Only sign in to your account on your own device. In case you do on another device, endeavor to not allow the browser save your passwords and sing out before handing the device over to the owner. If possible clear browser history.

5. All those games that appear on your feeds and ask you to click them or those that come in the name of you winning some free stuff or money and then prompt you to sign in. Once you do, you are opening the door or window for hackers to come in. If you ask me, I will advice, you avoid those games all together and for the free money, there is nothing like a free dinner.

6. Always use a  secret pin or pattern or password to log into your phone or computer. This is because some of the hackers pass through your own devices.

I always say, don’t believe what I say , just try it and you go confirm. 

For more on any of the points, let me know in the comments section or send me a private message. 

7. For login password to your accounts, use a combination of consonants so it is not readable or guessable. And if you have many accounts and find it challenging to memorize the passwords, use a password manager. There are many free open source password managers that can help you create difficult passwords, store them and make login into you account easy for you and not possible for a hacker. LastPass  and Bitwarden  are some free password managers. I use the latter. With the password manager all you need is memorize just one password which is your master password which let’s you into you vault where all the other passwords are stored. 

More on this later…


8. Enable two step verification process for all you accounts.


9. Make sure your email and phone number is part of your account. Preferably create your social media handles using your email not your phone number. 

I always say, don’t believe what I say , just try it and you go confirm. 

For more on any of the points, let me know in the comments section or send me a private message. 

I will be doing a live session in the days ahead for my visually impaired friends.